Yay, the controller came! It’s a phone book sized plastic box with 16 electric plugs sticking out. Here’s an unboxing video from someone in Texas (why are so many big shows in the south?)
When I made the order I was extremely nervous. What did I really need? Browsing the light-o-rama site it is easy to get overwhelmed by all the technology available. Controller boards, SD Cards, Show Directors, Wireless, RGB ribbons (CCR) bulbs (CCB) and pixels (CCP), Floods, etc.
Did I just gloss over the computer part? Yeah, well, more on that later. As a Mac user that was an adventure in itself.
Light Controller: a hardware box with 16 outlets that you plug light strands into. You can have any number of these connected to one computer.
Channels: The number of outlets your box has, or the number of things you can independently control from your computer. I am using only 6 right now, because that’s how many extension cords and lights I have.
RGB: since I mentioned it, very cool stuff that is whole different level of crazy. Instead of light strands that come on and off, imagine each bulb is controllable. And can change color (Red/Green/Blue). Basically you can turn your roof into a computer screen. Yet another topic unto itself.
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